It is a known fact that a well maintained residential school helps the students in understanding and adapting to community living. These students develop a habit of prioritizing things and proper time scheduling. They also get the opportunity of socializing with their peers healthily from a very early stage. Moreover, these students also get more time to spend with the teachers, which ultimately lead to the development in academics and behavior. Teachers in a residential school also get more time to monitor the students and study them. Besides all these, students are also given a specific time for physical education, which is very rare in day schools. Performing physical activities makes the students more active, healthy, and disciplined. All these give more space for self-development to the students in life.

Earlier residential schools were often run in army camps or official government colonies. They keep on moving according to posting, which makes their children challenging to adapt in a day school. But today, there are lots of residential schools in cities and town. As the parents become more aware of the benefits of sending their children to residential school, the demand for such schools keeps on increasing. Some of the main advantages of the residential school include a closer relationship between the students and the teachers, easy access to the day-to-day life of the students and well-maintained school life.

Students in a residential school live far away from home, so they develop a sense of responsibility from a very early stage in life. They also lead a well-disciplined life and have the confidence to tackle any situations in life. Moreover, they can handle pressure as compared to other children who stay with their parents. Staying away from parents, they get more opportunities to concentrate on self well-being. Living with parents is good, but it has its fair share of disadvantages too. Not all but some students from day school become less friendly and reserved. Their studies often get affected due to family issues, and at the end, they blame the family for their fault. Having said that there are millions of students who excel under the care of their parents, all you need is the right care.Some of the main advantages of studying in residential schools are:

  • Independent Students in a residential school quickly learn to adapt according to the situation and become more confident in making decisions. They also start performing multiple domestic chores by themselves, which make them more humble. Moreover, they rely on themselves for school assignments and projects, which ultimately make them more academically sound by developing a reasoning sense. Above all, they lead a well-scheduled life and have the ability to manage time and resources more efficiently.
  • Lesser Distractions Students who study in residential schools have a more minor distraction from the outside environment as compared to students studying in day school. As these students live away from family, they are not aware of the family issues in detail, so they focus on education better. Moreover, they are also not exposed to television, mobile games, video games, etc. daily. Addicted to the games and television series, students find it hard to focus on their studies. But at residential school, such options are not available as they live in an environment which is conducive to learning.
  • Diversity In a residential school, students from different parts of the country or state come together for studies. This makes the students develop a more comprehensive view of the world. As they attend classes, students from diverse background interact, exchange knowledge and ideas which make them more culturally sound. These students also learn to respect other culture and promote diversity, which contributes to world peace.
  • All-around Development It is believed that students from a residential school graduate with good character and disciplined life. As they learn the method of residing in a community, they know the ways of dealing with different people and develop patience, which is very important in life. Moreover, such students are also very hardworking and valuable resources and time.
  • Multiple curriculum activities As students in a residential school stay in the school campus 24/7, there are different curriculum activities for them. They start their day with physical education or yoga, which is a great thing. And they also have other activities like painting, music, dance, writing competitions, etc. from time to time which develop their skills. Participating in all these activities make them more active and creative.
    In case you are interested in sending your child to a residential school, then check out Ganga International School, GIS. GIS is one of the best residential schools in Delhi NCR. GIS promotes quality education and provides world-class education and infrastructure to students. Moreover, GIS believes in excellence and motivates the students to dream high and work towards achieving it.

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